Why Is There Mucus in My Dog's Stool?

When you have a dog, it's a great idea to keep an eye on their stools and look for anything abnormal. For example, you may see blood or worms, and you'll want to know what to do.
Sometimes, you may see mucus in your dog's poop.
Why Would Mucus Be in My Dog's Poop?
The most common causes of mucus in the stool of a dog include:
- Intestinal parasites
- Intestinal infections
- Dietary indiscretion (eating something they shouldn't have)
- Food allergy
- Cancer
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Inflammatory bowel disease
These conditions range from mild to serious, and the severity of your dog's other symptoms will also vary accordingly.
What to Do if There's Mucus in Your Dog's Stool
A small amount of mucus in the stool, when the dog is showing no other signs of illness, is probably nothing to be concerned about.
If your dog has mucus in the stool consistently and/or has other signs of illness along with it, such as diarrhea, low appetite, or lethargy, there is something going on. Your veterinarian will want to see your dog, along with a fecal sample.
Your veterinarian's office will run a fecal flotation test to look for evidence of intestinal parasites. He or she will take a complete history of the illness from you and do a thorough physical examination.
Depending on the results of the exam, your veterinarian may want to run some other tests on your dog, possibly including blood work and x-rays.
Treatment will depend on the diagnosis and how sick your dog is and may include:
- Dewormers
- Antibiotics
- Steroids
- Intravenous or subcutaneous fluids
- Bland diet or hypoallergenic diet
- Further testing and other treatments as necessary
If your dog has mucous in the stool, keep an eye out for other symptoms and talk to your veterinarian.
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