4 Tips to Avoid Getting Intestinal Parasites from Your Dog

Did you know that many common intestinal parasites of dogs are transmittable to humans? It's true; you and your family can get some types of intestinal parasites from your dog. Here, we explore some things to keep in mind why you're dealing with dogs, to protect yourself and your family from intestinal parasites.
Always Wash Your Hands
Whenever you handle any dog or puppy, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before you eat anything. Most intestinal parasites are spread through fecal-oral transmission, or by ingesting eggs that are present in an infected dog's stool. Stool particles can be present all over a dog's body, so wash your hands well and often.
Try to Avoid Dog Kisses on Your Face
Dogs lick their rear ends, so they can easily transfer stool particles, with infective parasite eggs in them, into your mouth when they lick your face. Though it's tempting to let dogs give you kisses, try to avoid allowing them do it on your face, and teach your kids to protect their faces, too. You can learn more here: "Is it OK to Let Your Dog Lick Your Face?"
Use Routine Parasite Prevention on Your Dog
Dogs can pick up parasites at any time, and they can even re-infect themselves with their own stool. Using a monthly heartworm preventative that contains protection against some intestinal parasites can help routinely clear out any new infections that your dog might pick up. Not all intestinal parasites can be prevented this way, but many can.
Have Your Dog's Stool Tested Often
Make it a habit to have your dog's stool checked for intestinal parasites routinely. Twice a year is a good starting point; your veterinarian may recommend samples more often in certain situations, so check to find out the ideal schedule for your dog.
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