Fruits and Vegetables Safe for Dogs

There are a lot of human foods that aren't safe for dogs. Some of them can be surprising, like grapes and raisins, onions, and the natural sweetener xylitol.
Still, there are fruits and vegetables that are OK to give to your dog, and they can be healthier than some dog treats.
Just be sure to cut them up into small pieces so they aren't a choking hazard and give them in moderation. Most of your dog's diet should be her regular dog food, which is tailored to her age and lifestyle. If you provide too many fruits and veggies, your dog may not eat her regular food well and could end up malnourished.
Any food can cause GI upset for an individual dog, so if you give your dog something and he vomits, gets diarrhea, or otherwise acts ill, call your vet and avoid that food going forward.
Check with your veterinarian for individual recommendations for your dog's circumstances. For example, if your dog had diabetes mellitus, some foods, especially fruit, may be off-limits.
It's best to try one food at a time. That way, if your dog doesn't feel good afterward, it will be easier to determine which food to avoid in the future.
Dogs can eat apples in moderation, but you need to remove the core and seeds and cut them into small pieces.
Cut them up small, and bananas are OK for most dogs to have as an occasional treat. A dog that is already overweight may need to avoid bananas, which are high in sugar.
Blueberries, Strawberries, Cranberries, and Raspberries
Berries are full of antioxidants and can be a tasty treat for your dog. Just stick with a few occasionally to make sure your dog doesn't get too much sugar. Strawberries should be cut up before you give them.
Small pieces of ripe pear, without the stem, seeds, or core, are safe to give most dogs.
Watermelon and Cantaloupe
Melon is a fine occasional treat for dogs but remove the seeds and cut it into small pieces first.
Asparagus is OK to give your dog but be sure to cut it up because the whole stalk is a choking hazard.
Bell Peppers
All colors of bell peppers, without the stem or seeds and cut up well, are OK for dogs.
Broccoli and Cauliflower
Broccoli and cauliflower, cut up well, are OK for dogs, but they commonly cause stomach upset, so observe carefully for a problem.
Carrots are OK for dogs to munch on, but they need to be cut lengthwise and then into small pieces. Otherwise, they can be a significant choking hazard.
Celery and Cucumbers
Celery and cucumber, cut up well, are OK for dogs and may help with their breath. They also both contain a lot of water, so it's a way to boost your dog's hydration.
Green Beans
Green beans are often recommended as a treat for overweight dogs, to help them slim down. You can give fresh, cooked frozen (cooled down to room temperature), or canned green beans, but if you choose canned, make sure they're the no salt variety.
Lettuce or Spinach
Lettuce and spinach are great low-calorie, high water content treats for dogs, but cut them thinly so they aren't a choking hazard.
Peas are another excellent snack for dogs. You can use reheated frozen ones (cooled down so they don't burn your dog) or no-sodium canned. Sprinkle them on your dog's food or serve them mashed.
Pumpkin and Sweet Potato
Pumpkin and sweet potato (cooked, cooled, and mashed) are OK for dogs, in moderation, and may even help with digestive issues. Don't use pumpkin pie filling, which has added sugar and spices, but just use 100% pureed pumpkin. You can also make a crispy treat out of it: "Crispy Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe."
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