Can Dogs Have Strawberries?

Dogs often love to share some of their humans' snacks with them, and many times, people love to give their dogs some of their food too. After all, we're all part of each other's pack.
But many human foods are toxic to dogs and can cause life-threatening illness, including grapes and raisins, chocolate, and xylitol. So, it's crucial that you know which foods are OK to give your dog and which aren't.
Are Strawberries OK for Dogs?
Strawberries are OK to give most dogs. They are not specifically toxic. However, some individual dogs might have unpleasant reactions to them, such as GI upset.
Strawberries are high in sugar, so some individual dogs, like those with diabetes, might need to avoid them.
Strawberry stems and leaves can irritate a dog's stomach and intestines, so try to keep your dog from helping himself to the strawberries in your garden.
Things to Keep in Mind if You Give Your Dog Strawberries
Dogs that get human food often pick up begging behavior that can be bothersome. Consider this before you begin giving your dog any human food. Remember, if your dog is getting a high-quality, balanced dog food that's right for his life stage, he doesn't really need any human food supplementation.
If you decide to give your dog strawberries, remove the stems and cut them into small bites to decrease the risk of choking and consider putting them in his dog bowl to reduce begging behavior. Learn more here: "Dog Begging Behavior."
Remember that strawberries do have calories, so you must keep that in mind when feeding your dog throughout the day. Don't give too many, or your dog might become overweight over time or not eat enough regular dog food, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies.
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