Help Your Dog Be a Good Thanksgiving Host

Are you having people visit your house this Thanksgiving? Do you have a dog looking forward to helping you host? Follow these tips to make sure everything goes smoothly.
Give Your Guests a Dog-Free Zone
Not everyone likes to be around a dog at all times. Be sure to give any overnight guests a spot in your home where they can go to be dog-free. Usually, it works best if this is your visitors' sleeping space. Keep the door to their room closed, so your dog can't go in freely.
Give Your Dog Visitor-Free Space
Likewise, if possible, give your dog some space to go and not have to deal with your guests. Create a safe room where your dog can have food, water, a bed, and some toys. Make sure your dog can get in there at any time and that your guests know they shouldn't intrude.
Let Your Guests Know Important Things About Your Dog
If your dog has specific things he doesn't like done to him, be sure you talk to your guests about that before they arrive. This could be something like the following: Your dog doesn't like to be looked at in the eyes. Your dog doesn't want his paws touched. Your dog has a special toy he doesn't like humans to touch.
Take Special Care with Child Guests
If children are coming to visit your home, make sure their parents are aware you have a dog and don't allow their kids to harass the dog or treat him roughly. Also, children should never be left unsupervised with the dog.
Take Care with Mealtimes
This one goes both ways. If your dog is a food-beggar, keep him separated from your guests while they eat. Not everyone will appreciate having a canine staring at them while they enjoy dinner.
Keeping your dog out of the room during mealtimes when you have guests can also help protect your dog because not everyone knows which foods are toxic to our canine friends. They may drop dangerous food or even give it to your dog with well-meaning but misguided intentions.
With a little extra preparation and good communication with your guests, Thanksgiving will be great for all of you.
Learn more about Thanksgiving and your dog: "Thanksgiving Safety for Dogs."
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