7 Surprising Products Containing Xylitol: A Slideshow

7 Surprising Products Containing Xylitol: A Slideshow
Xylitol is a natural sugar substitute that's gaining popularity in human products. However, it's extremely toxic to dogs. It causes a quick, dramatic, life-threatening drop in canine blood sugar and can cause irreversible liver damage at certain doses.

Xylitol is Dangerous for Dogs
It's critical that dog owners know the dangers of xylitol and keep it well out of reach of their dogs. It's showing up in more and more products, and some of them might be surprising to you.
Always check product labels, even on non-food items, so you know which ones to keep locked away from your dog. Here are some of the common human products that might contain xylitol, but this list is in no way exhaustive.

Toothpaste and Mouthwash
Xylitol is common in human dental products because it has a nice, sweet taste and it has also been shown to help fight the bacteria that tend to live in plaque.

Baked Goods
Xylitol is popular as a sugar substitute for people with diabetes and those wishing to decrease their sugar intake. Homemade baked goods and even packaged ones or those from some bakeries can contain xylitol and be attractive for dogs to snatch and consume.

Sugar Free Products
It might not be obvious that some products contain sweeteners and, in some cases, companies are using xylitol instead of sugar. This happens with ketchup and other condiments, premade sauces, and a huge host of other grocery store items. Don't rely on the company to put a large xylitol label on the product. Always check the label and specifically look for it, especially on sugar-free products.

Peanut Butter
Increasingly, peanut butter is being made with xylitol instead of sugar. Since many people use peanut butter to hide their dogs' medicine or to make special dog treats, it's imperative that people know about this and check their peanut butter labels carefully.

Medicine and Vitamins
Liquid and melt-away type human medicines may contain xylitol. Gummy vitamins increasingly contain it too. All medicine and supplements should be kept out of reach of pets.

So far, gum is the biggest cause of xylitol poisoning in dogs. Sugar-free gum may contain several different sugar substitutes, and because of its plaque-fighting ability, xylitol is becoming more popular. Dogs may get into purses or find gum lying around and be drawn to it because of its good smell and flavor.

Lotion and Deodorant
One property of xylitol that makes it a good additive for deodorants and lotions is it helps products retain their moisture. While you might not think your dog would ever eat your deodorant, it does happen. After all, it can have a good smell and taste to it. Don't assume that, because a product isn't considered edible by humans, that your dog won't eat it or that it doesn't contain xylitol. Be vigilant about this substance that, while it's actually considered good for humans, can be deadly for dogs.

Learn more here: "Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs."
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