New Year's Resolutions Inspired by Dogs

It's the time of year when some people make resolutions inspired by the start of a new calendar year. This year, when you're thinking about what you'd like to resolve to do in the coming twelve months, try looking to your dog for inspiration. If you do, your resolutions might look something like these.
Take More Naps
Dogs love to take naps, and they do it often. In fact, if there's nothing else going on, your dog doesn't get on his phone and scroll social media—he takes a quick power nap. The reason that's good is because he's always ready for anything.
We should all take a page from our dogs' books and get more rest and relaxation. That way, we'll be ready to take on our days with the enthusiasm of a well-rested Labrador.
Have Fun with Your Cardio
Don't think of exercise as something you have to get through every day, like it or not. Think of it the way your dog does—like it's pure fun and games. The first step toward doing that is picking a cardio exercise that you love. Think of something you find fun, like biking, skiing, skateboarding, playing water polo, or rock climbing. Maybe you can even pick something your dog can do with you.
Do what your dog does and get super excited when it's time to do your chosen cardio. Throw yourself into your workout joyfully. Maybe even let your tongue loll out a little.
Always Be Ready for an Adventure with Your Loved Ones
One thing about dogs is that if their person gets up to do something—anything—they're ready to drop what they're doing, jump up, and tag along. That's a great attitude!
Look for adventure in all the mundane tasks you must accomplish every day, and get involved with what your loved ones are doing too.
Decrease Your Materialism
Dogs get through life with very few material things. They need shelter, food, water, and love. They might have a few toys, a bed, a set of nail clippers, and some veterinary care.
Think about which material things you might be able to do without. Not only will getting rid of some things decrease your carbon footprint and help the environment, but it might also reduce your stress. Having less stuff to take care of can feel freeing.
Be Appreciative
Dogs really show their appreciation for what their humans do for them. They snuggle, wag their tails, give kisses, and generally show us how thankful they are when we feed them, take them for walks or rides, and just sit and snuggle with them.
Model your dog's grateful nature with your loved ones. Be sure to show them beyond a shadow of a doubt that you appreciate everything they do for you. Not only will doing so enrich your relationships with them, but it will also decrease your own stress because gratitude is a powerful anxiety fighter.
Don't Worry About What Others Think of You
Dogs don't go around worrying about their appearance or how others see them. They just live, experiencing the world without those types of social pressures.
Try living more as your dog does—forgetting about your concerns over what others might think and just jumping in there. It will take some practice, and you might never be quite as good at it as your dog is, but if we can all drift a bit more in that direction, life might be better for all of us.
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