Things We Do That Annoy Our Dogs - Slideshow

Things We Do That Annoy Our Dogs
Dogs have buddied up with humans for thousands of years. They work for us, protect us, love us, and just plain entertain us. And what do we do for them? Well, we shield them from the harsh realities of life in the wild, provide regular food, and that sort of thing. And we'd better keep it up because some of the things we do annoy our dogs so much, they just might consider taking their chances without us.
What could humans possibly be doing that annoy our dogs so much?

Hugging: Not a Dog's Favorite Thing
Many people love to hug their dogs. After all, being chest-to-chest, for primates, is the ultimate cozy way to snuggle, since moms nurse their babies that way. But dogs don't hug one another. In fact, when one dog puts a paw over the head or shoulders of another, he is usually doing it as discipline. Many times, dogs will lean their bodies, heads, or faces away from a human's hug. That lets you know the dog is uncomfortable with this particular form of human affection.

Head-Patting: Accepted but Not Adored
Dogs don't love being patted on the head any more than most people would. It can be uncomfortable or painful, and it is also a bit rude. After all, no one likes having someone's hand approaching their face. Also, it is another situation in which we are reaching over-top of the dog, something that is usually done by other canine pack members to impose discipline. This is another thing humans do that most dogs tolerate, but you will often notice that they lean or look away when you do it. Gentle petting of the shoulders, under the chest, or the rear end is usually much more appreciated by dogs than head pats are.

Looking Dogs We Don't Know in the Eye While Approaching Them Head-On and Looming Over Them
This is considered the height of rudeness among dogs. When they are first meeting one other, they do so from the sides, never straight on. They also don't make eye contact unless they are extremely familiar with each other, or one is challenging the other. Most dogs will allow this behavior from humans without snapping, but none of them like it, and some dogs will take offense and growl or bite. Be polite and approach a new dog from an angle without making eye contact. Stop before you get to him, crouch down, and offer your hand palm down for sniffing. This is considered much more polite in the canine world and will probably earn you a little lick.

Not Showing Them What We Want Them to Do Clearly
Dogs are similar to toddlers. Don't let them know the rules or what you want them to do, and they'll try and figure it out themselves. That can lead to destruction and unruliness from your dog and frustration for both of you. It's not enough just to yell or scold when your dog does something you don't like. You must show him what you want him to do instead, and praise or reward him when he does it. If your dog knows what you want him to do and that he'll be rewarded for doing it, he'll do it most of the time. And knowing what you want and how you'll respond when he does something increases a dog's confidence and lowers his stress.

Keeping Them on a Short Leash
Dogs want nothing more than to sniff and explore everywhere they go. They have amazing noses that can smell far more than you can imagine. Taking your dog for a walk or two every day but demanding that he stay right next to you on a short leash is paramount to torture for him. Of course, you want to make sure he stays safe and doesn't run up to any people or other dogs, but do what you can to regularly get him to a safe area where he can have a longer leash so he can explore new sights and smells.

Keeping Them Leashed When They Meet New Dogs
Dogs generally greet each other in a certain way when they've never met before. They approach each other from the side, don't generally make eye contact, sniff at one others' sides and rear ends, and circle one another. When they are on leashes, they can't do their normal canine thing; they're forced to meet each other head-on and are restricted in how much circling, sniffing, and polite dog behavior they can do. This can lead to frustration and even dogfights. Unfortunately, it isn't practical to let dogs off their leashes every time they are meeting new dogs, but it's good to be aware of why our dogs may be annoyed with being tethered when they're trying to mingle.

Not Playing with Them Enough
Dogs need to play. If they don't, they can become stressed, bored, and even develop negative behaviors. Inactive dogs are also more prone to obesity and all the medical problems that come along with it. Dogs prefer to play with other dogs and humans, so when you don't take time every day to play with him, your dog can become quite annoyed with you. Plus, playing with your dog relieves stress and increases healthy exercise for you, too.

Dressing Them Up
Some dogs tolerate wearing a sweater or boots, and it's good to get them used to that when they are young if they have short hair. However, dogs are often stressed or scared when costumes are put on them. If your dog looks anxious, stops moving around, or tries to paw the costume off, refrain from dressing him up. If your dog doesn't seem to mind costumes, make sure you avoid any strings that could get caught on things, resulting in strangulation of the neck or appendages. Also avoid any buttons or other decorations that may be swallowed.

Not Feeding Them on a Regular Schedule
Most of us can probably figure this one out on our own; dogs get pretty obviously annoyed when they're not happy with their feeding schedule. You might get a cold nose shoved in your eye, ear, or mouth if you sleep past breakfast, and your pooch will certainly be dancing around like a maniac if you forget that it's dinnertime. Dogs are creatures of habits, and they get upset when the schedule is disregarded. Especially when it comes to food. After all, in the wild they wouldn't know when their next meal was coming, but that's one of the perks of domestication. After all, if your dog is going to put up with all of the other annoying things you do, he really should get his dinner on time.
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