Puppy Training: No

Now that you have brought your new puppy home and she has learned her name, the next thing she needs to learn is the word "no."
Puppies can, and will, learn many words. "No" is one of the three most basic and important words your pup needs to know. The other two are "good" and her name.
"No" must be understood in order for you to help shape puppy's behavior around the house, out in the world, and to help keep her safe.
How to Teach Your Puppy the Word "No"
When teaching your puppy the word "no," start gently. When she is behaving improperly, biting or chewing on your hand for example, say "no," speaking quietly and firmly. If a gentle "no" catches her attention and she stops chewing, praise her. If she resumes chewing, say "no" again. If your puppy continues the behavior, raise your voice a little bit. If there is still no reaction, a great technique to use to cease the behavior is to imitate a dog's growl.
As odd as you may feel growling (especially with other folks around) it is very effective because your puppy will immediately recognize this sound as a correction her mother or another dog has used. It will catch her attention and interrupt her long enough for you to substitute a toy as a distraction to her unwanted behavior and turn her attention elsewhere.
The word "no" must be learned and respected because your dog will need to react appropriately to it for the rest of her life. The sooner you begin, the earlier she will master this command, and you can begin more advanced obedience training.
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