Collie Eye Anomaly

Collie eye anomaly (CEA) is a condition that is inherited in some collies and collie-related breeds. It causes the eye to develop abnormally or incompletely and causes blood vessel problems in the retina.
Breeds Affected by Collie Eye Anomaly
The breeds that have been known to inherit a form of collie eye anomaly include:
- Collies
- Shelties
- Australian Shepherds
- Border Collies
Signs of Collie Eye Anomaly
Collie eye anomaly is present in dogs at birth. However, there may be no apparent signs depending on the severity of the condition. If they do occur, signs relate to partial or complete blindness.
Diagnosis of Collie Eye Anomaly
When an ophthalmoscope is used to examine the eye, the veterinarian may notice the blood vessels in the retina appear more twisty (tortuous) than normal, and they may be organized in a random, abnormal pattern.
Some dogs with CEA have microphthalmia, or smaller than normal eyeballs or enophthalmia, where the eyes are sunken into the sockets more than is usual.
CEA can cause a detached retina, which can be seen on ophthalmoscopic exam.
Treatment of Collie Eye Anomaly
There is no treatment for or reversal of collie eye anomaly.
Prevention of Collie Eye Anomaly
There is a genetic test to identify dogs carrying the gene for CEA. Anyone breeding collies or related breeds should have that test done and not breed positive animals.
Blind dogs can often do quite well and lead normal lives. Learn more: "How to Care for a Blind Dog."
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