Canine Meningioma

Meningioma is a type of brain tumor, the most common one in dogs. In fact, it's the most common cause of seizures that begin after a dog turns six years old (before that, epilepsy is the most common cause).
What Is Meningioma?
The meninges are membranes that line the inside of the skull and the vertebrae. Meningioma is cancer of the meninges. A tumor grows from the membrane and then pushes on the brain.
Meningioma is usually benign, which means they don't spread to other areas of the body or aggressively destroy nearby tissue. However, the mechanical pressure they place on the brain, which leads to inflammation and swelling of brain tissue.
Signs of Meningioma in Dogs
Most of the time, the first sign that an owner notices when a dog has a meningioma is a seizure. Depending on which part of the brain is affected, the following signs may also be seen:
- Circling behavior
- Wobbliness
- Blindness
- Dragging of the tops of the toes when walking
- Behavior changes
Diagnosis of Meningioma in Dogs
When a dog has a seizure or exhibits other behavior that may indicate a meningioma, a veterinarian will do a thorough physical exam. He or she will also do a general blood panel and urinalysis. From there, x-rays of the chest and abdomen may be done to look for metastatic cancer.
A CT scan or MRI is necessary to find the meningioma and determine precisely where it is.
Treatment of Meningioma in Dogs
Surgery to remove the tumor is possible in a specialty veterinary clinic. In dogs, the surgery may be more complicated than it is in cats, and survival times average around seven months after surgery with follow-up radiation therapy.
Radiation may also be used instead of surgery when surgery isn't chosen.
Researchers are developing more options for chemotherapy of meningioma.
If surgical or radiation treatment isn't possible, the dog may be treated with powerful anti-inflammatory medications and anti-seizure drugs to try and mitigate the symptoms short-term.
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