Dog Farts: Harmless and Funny or Medical Problem?

Can your dog clear a room with his farts? Are you and your family members always fighting over who the stinky culprit is?
Flatulence is the excessive production of gas in the stomach or small intestines. When that gas moves through and escapes through the anus, it can have a noise and/or an odor associated with it, and it is commonly called a fart.
What Causes Dog Farts?
Flatulence is the result of bacterial fermentation in the gut. As intestinal microorganisms break down the food a dog eats, gas production can occur.
Certain dietary conditions or components can result in increased flatulence in dogs. Some of these include:
- Food allergies or sensitivities
- Dietary indiscretion (when a dog eats garbage or something else he isn't supposed to)
- Sudden diet changes
- Dairy products
- Beans
- Meat
- High fiber diets
A dog may also have more farts than usual if he swallows air because he eats too fast, although this tends to cause more burping than it does farting.
Certain dog breeds are more notorious for having excessive gas than others. These include brachiocephalic, or short-faced, breeds such as boxers, Boston terriers, and pugs.
Abnormal medical conditions can also cause increased farting in dogs, especially if they disrupt nutrient absorption. Some of these include:
- Irritable bowel disease
- Intestinal parasites
- Parvovirus
- Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
How Can You Tell the Difference between Harmless Farting and a Medical Problem?
Generally, if your dog's farting is not associated with any other signs of illness, it is probably harmless. You can discuss it with your veterinarian at your next appointment to be sure. However, if you notice any of the following signs of illness in your pet along with the excessive farting, you should make an appointment right away:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Lethargy
- Weight loss
- Abdominal bloating
- Abdominal discomfort
- Appetite loss
Diagnosing the Cause of Excess Flatulence in Dogs
If your dog experiences excessive flatulence, uncharacteristic odor, or any of the signs listed in the section above, you will need to see your veterinarian. The doctor will do a complete exam after taking a detailed history from you. If he or she suspects a medical problem, some or all of the following testing may be recommended:
- X-rays
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Fecal exam
- General or specific blood tests
Treatment of Farting in Dogs
Most cases of dog farting, when not caused by a medical problem, don't require treatment. However, there may be some things you can do to decrease its frequency and odor. Some of these include:
- Using a lower fiber food
- Eliminating table scraps
- Diligently keeping dog away from trash
- Considering a prescription diet
- Doing a food trial for food allergies
- Using a canine probiotic
Note: if you decide to switch your dog's diet, do so very gradually. It's best to check with the veterinarian before changing your dog's diet or beginning a probiotic.
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