Cardiogenic Shock in Dogs

Cardiogenic shock occurs when a dog's heart function is so impaired that the organ is unable to pump enough blood to the tissues. It can also be called cardiac decompensation, and it is a life-threatening condition.
What Causes Canine Cardiogenic Shock?
The causes of cardiogenic shock are those that cause heart failure and can include:
- Severe heart disease, either from a dilated heart or valvular insufficiency
- Heartworm disease
- Pericardial effusion
- Severe arrhythmias
- Systemic illness such as septicemia
Signs of Cardiogenic Shock
The signs of cardiogenic shock are those associated with poor perfusion (not enough oxygen getting to the tissues) and can include:
- Pale gums and tongue
- Cool or cold paws
- Cough
- Increased capillary refill time (time for blood to re-perfuse an area of gum depressed by a fingertip)
- Weakness
- Collapse
- Mental slowness
- Harsh lung sounds
- Low blood pressure
Diagnosis of Cardiogenic Shock in Dogs
A veterinarian will diagnose the condition based on a thorough physical exam and history taken from you.
In addition, chest x-rays may show an enlarged heart or fluid around the heart or in the lungs. There may be an audible heart murmur and/or crackles in the lungs when the veterinarian listens to the dog's chest with a stethoscope.
An echocardiogram will reveal problems with the heart, including decreased pumping pressure. It may also help diagnose the underlying condition.
Bloodwork may show changes if septicemia is the cause of the cardiogenic shock.
Treatment of Canine Cardiogenic Shock
The shock condition must be treated first and aggressively, sometimes even before diagnosis. The dog may need oxygen therapy, and the doctor may need to drain fluid from the sac around the heart (pericardium). Medications may be necessary to support the dog and get him stabilized.
Once the dog is stable, diagnosis of the underlying condition should commence, and treatment targets the exact condition.
Cardiac arrest with sudden death is a strong possibility at any time during cardiogenic shock.
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