Can Dogs Have Tomatoes?

Our dogs are always around us, wanting to be involved in what we're doing—and share what we're eating. That's why it's crucial that dog owners know the human foods that are toxic in dogs. Some foods, like chocolate, onions and garlic, grapes and raisins, and xylitol can be life-threatening when eaten by dogs.
Are Tomatoes OK for Dogs to Eat?
Tomatoes are generally safe in small amounts for most dogs, except in the following circumstances, which can be toxic:
- Green tomatoes
- Tomatoes' leaves and stems
- Large amounts of ripe tomatoes eaten at once
The reason green tomatoes and parts of the plants are toxic is because they contain solanine, which is a natural pesticide the plant uses to protect itself. Levels of solanine are much lower in the ripe fruit than the green ones or the plants. If a dog eats a lot of those, he could develop a high heart rate, dilated pupils, and depression.
Some dogs might be sensitive to tomatoes and develop GI signs like vomiting and diarrhea if they eat them, but most dogs can have small amounts of cut up, ripe tomato without a problem.
Other plants in the nightshade family, including peppers, eggplants, and potatoes also contain solanine and can be toxic if ingested.
Giving Human Food Can Exacerbate Begging
Dogs can develop or experience worsening begging behavior if they are fed human food. If your dog eats a high-quality diet, she doesn't need anything additional, including tomatoes. If you do wish to give your dog some tomatoes, cut them up small and limit the amount. Also, consider putting them in your dog's bowl instead of feeding them out of hand or off your plate. Learn more: "Dog Begging Behavior."
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