FDA Cautions Care with Use of Osurnia and Claro

The FDA is warning people to take care when using the canine ear medications Osurnia and Claro. Both prescription ear infection medications contain the antibacterial florfenicol as well as other ingredients to combat inflammation.
Humans and Dogs Might Suffer Eye Injuries from Osurnia or Claro
The FDA has received reports of eye injuries in humans after applying Osurnia or Claro to dogs' ears. Veterinary personnel and pet owners have been among those affected, and people have reported itchiness, redness, burning, stinging, and in two cases related to Osurnia, corneal ulcers.
In some cases, people reported that the ear medication splashed into their eyes when the dog shook his head after application. In other cases, it was simply noted that the medication got into the human's eyes.
Reports of dogs suffering from eye problems after being medicated with Osurnia or Claro have also been made to the FDA. Corneal ulcers have been reported in 10 dogs after using Osurnia and 10 after using Claro. Other eye problems reported include conjunctivitis, squinting, and eye pain.
The FDA is advising that care be taken while using these medications and that contact be avoided with the eyes of the canine patient as well as the humans around him. If any eye problem is noted in either a dog or people involved in his care, medical treatment should be sought immediately.
You can learn more, including where to call if you or your dog has experienced eye problems after the use of Osurnia or Claro, here: FDA Osurnia/Claro Bulletin.
Works Cited
- FDA Animal Drug Safety Communication: FDA warns of eye injuries reported with the use of certain ear medications for dogs. (2017, Dec. 6). Retrieved from FDA.gov.
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