First Aid for Internal Bleeding in a Dog

Internal bleeding is a serious condition in dogs. Because you aren't able to see that your dog is bleeding, his condition can become critical very quickly.
Causes of Canine Internal Bleeding
Some things that can cause your dog to bleed internally include:
- Trauma such as being hit by a car, resulting in ruptured organ or artery
- Bleeding tumor in the abdomen or chest, most commonly hemangiosarcoma
- Poisoning by an anti-coagulant like mouse or rat poisoning
If your dog has visible bleeding from a wound, learn more here: "First Aid for External Bleeding in a Dog."
Signs of Internal Bleeding in Dogs
If your dog is bleeding internally, you may see some of the following signs:
- Weakness
- Pale or white gums
- Weak, rapid heart beat
- Vomiting
- Blood in feces, urine, saliva, or coming from the eyes, nose, or mouth
- Local rapid swelling
- Collapse
- Coughing up blood
What to Do for a Dog with Internal Bleeding
If you suspect that your dog is bleeding internally, it's important to do everything you can to keep him calm and quiet. Wrap him in a towel or blanket and speak softly and reassuringly to him.
Get your dog to your veterinarian or an emergency veterinary clinic as soon as you possibly can. When lifting your dog into the car, place one arm under his chest in front of his front legs and the other under his rump behind his back legs. Don't put pressure on the abdomen when lifting him.
Learn more about other emergencies in dogs and what to do here: "First Aid for Dogs: An Overview."
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