Pet Food Recall: OC Raw Dog Recalls Turkey and Produce Raw Food Formulation

OC Raw Dog, a company in Rancho Santa Margarita, California, is recalling its Turkey and Produce Raw Food Formulation because of a possible Salmonella contamination. Dogs can become infected with Salmonella bacteria by eating contaminated food, and humans can become infected by handling the food and not thoroughly washing their hands before eating something else.
Humans who are infected with Salmonella may develop any or all of the following symptoms:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea or bloody diarrhea
- Abdominal cramping
- Fever
More serious symptoms may occur in some people, including urinary, heart, and joint problems. Young children and elderly people may sometimes die from Salmonella infection.
Dogs affected by Salmonella may show the following signs of illness:
- Listlessness
- Diarrhea or bloody diarrhea
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Decreased appetite
- Abdominal pain
Infected dogs may sometimes remain healthy but act as carriers of Salmonella to other animals and humans.
OC Raw Dog has voluntarily recalled this product secondary to the detection of possible Salmonella in a routine sample of the product. The recall includes Turkey & Produce Raw Frozen Canine Formulations of 6.5 pound Doggie Dozen Patties and 5 pound Bulk Bags with a lot number of 1511 and a use by date of 10/8/15.
The affected products were distributed through independent pet specialty retailers in Minnesota, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Colorado.
If you have a recalled product, the company asks that you email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a picture of the package and lot number, then return the product to your retailer for a refund or replacement.
If you have had this product in your home and your dog is showing any of the above signs of illness or you or anyone in your home is feeling ill, seek out the appropriate medical care immediately, and let them know that there was exposure to this recalled product.
If you have any questions concerning this recall, you may contact the company at
1-844-215-DOGS (3647) Monday thru Friday 9am - 5pm PST.
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