Pup-Sicles: Dog-Friendly Popsicle Recipes

We all want to give our dogs a fun treat from time to time, but many human foods either don't agree with dogs' systems or are downright toxic to them.
Luckily, some foods are perfectly safe for dogs, and some of them make great popsicle ingredients. Not only are they fun treats, but they can also help you keep your dog hydrated during warm weather or perhaps when your dog isn't eating or drinking well.
Here, we have some ideas for making dog-friendly pup-sicles.
What to Use to Make Popsicles for Your Dog
Popsicles for dogs can be made by spooning the mixture you're using onto a cookie tray and freezing it, spooning it into ice cube trays and freezing them, or filling Kong toys with it and freezing them. You can even buy silicone molds in fun shapes to use.
We do not recommend you use popsicle molds with wooden or plastic sticks that remain attached to the frozen treat because your dog might ingest those foreign objects along with the popsicle, and that would be dangerous.
Before you begin, review which human foods are toxic to dogs. If you're not sure, don't use it.
Ideas for Making Dog Popsicles
Here are a few ideas for making popsicles for your dog:
Peanut Butter:
Mix together 1 cup peanut butter, half of a ripe banana, and enough water to make the mixture liquidy. Spoon into Kong toy or ice cube tray and freeze. Check the peanut butter label for xylitol, and don't use if it contains it. Xylitol is toxic to dogs.
Blend together watermelon, a little honey, and water until smooth. Freeze in Kong toy or ice cube tray. You can also simply freeze small chunks of watermelon on a tray.
Combine minced, cooked chicken with water or low-sodium chicken broth. Freeze in molds or ice cube tray.
Strawberry Yogurt:
Clean and remove the stems from strawberries. Dip them in a small amount of plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt. Freeze separately on a tray and combine into a bag or glass container once frozen.
Combine 1 cup pureed 100% pumpkin and 2 cups plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt. Freeze in small amounts in molds, Kong toy, or ice cube tray.
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