Soft Paws for Dogs

Soft Paws are vinyl caps that slide over a dog's claws. They attach with non-toxic adhesive and can protect items and people from dog scratches.
Why Use Soft Paws on Your Dog?
Soft Paws can help with several common issues that dogs have, including:
- Scratching hardwood floors.
- Scratching leather furniture.
- Scratching at doors or door frames.
- Scratching people by jumping on them.
- Damaging hotels and homes you visit with claw marks.
- Helping a dog that drags the tops of one or more paws by protecting the claw from being worn down.
The soft claws will usually stay on for 4 to 6 weeks, especially after the dog has become used to wearing them and you have become used to putting them on. A package comes with 40 caps, so depending on whether you put them on 2 or 4 paws, a package can last for 4 to 6 months per dog.
How to Choose Your Dog's Cap Size
Soft Paws come in 7 sizes for dogs, so you'll first need to decide which is most likely to fit your dog. You can print this chart as a starting point:
Additionally, this page can help you figure out the size your dog is most likely to take:
When you get your package, try a cap on for size without putting any glue in. It should fit snugly over the claw without pushing into the skin or falling off easily. If it's the wrong size, return the package for an exchange (without altering any of the caps).
Once you have the proper size worked out, it's time to place a set of Soft Paws on your dog.
Choosing which paws to use Soft Paws on: Whether you put Soft Paws on your dog's front, back, or all four paws depends on what you're using them for. For example, if you're trying to protect your dog's nails and toes because he drags them, you'd want to use Soft Paws on the affected paws. If he scratches your leather furniture when jumping off it, you may wish to do the back paws. If it's hardwood floors you want to protect, all four may need covering. If your dog scratches the door frames, you may only need to do the fronts.
Tips for Putting Soft Paws on Your Dog
When you're ready to put Soft Paws on your dog, here are some things you can do to help it go smoother and aid in the caps staying on longer:
- Enlist a helper. It will be much easier if you have someone to hold a paw, distract your dog, and give treats for cooperative behavior.
- Stay positive and calm. When you first start using them, you may need to do a few at a time and then let your dog rest.
- Have your dog lie down with the paw you're working on facing up.
- Trim the nails.
- Choose a cap and put a few drops of adhesive in it.
- Squeeze the cap a tiny bit to get the adhesive to spread up the inside.
- Slide the cap over the claw and press gently on the sides. Be careful not to push the cap into the skin, which can be uncomfortable or painful.
- Continue on to the next claw.
- When you're finished, distract your dog for five to ten minutes with a play session or by feeding a meal.
If your dog tries to chew off the caps, you can try using Bitter Apple Spray on them to deter the behavior.
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