Why Does My Dog Drink from the Toilet?

The house is quiet, the chores are finished, you’re relaxing with a good book . . . “SLURP! SLURP!”
What the heck is that?
Following the sound, you discover your trusty canine friend, her front paws on the toilet seat, enthusiastically guzzling from the toilet bowl.
Ew! Does that taste good? Is it healthy for her? Is this the same mouth from which I get KISSES!!???
Well, yes, probably not, and yes again.
Toilet bowl water is very attractive for most dogs. The porcelain of the bowl keeps the water cooler longer than the plastic, metal, or glass water bowls we usually serve this elixir of life in.
Dogs love cool water. They may be domesticated, but they were wild outdoor creatures much longer than they’ve been our indoor family members, and instincts and traits endure. Running streams and deep lakes are typically cool.
Unfortunately there are many microorganisms in a toilet bowl that are not especially healthy for dogs. Bacteria are certainly not healthy for us either, and if you are in contact with your dog, the transfer from him to you is simple.
Not to mention, cleansing agents such as bleach or commercial cleaning solutions may be quite toxic to your pet.
So here are several solutions:
Dogs love running water. Try a pet fountain such as the DogIt Dog Fountain. The running water is fresh, clean, oxygenated, healthy, and your dog will love it!
Change your dog’s water bowl several times during the day to keep the water fresh.
Place several water bowls around the house, including one in the bathroom to serve as an alternate to the toilet bowl.
Buy a porcelain bowl to help keep her water fresh.
Occasionally drop some ice cubes in her water bowl to keep the water cool.
Close the lid!
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